A book review assignment is a crucial task. This is an author’s work and to review it is a sensitive issue and it impacts audience opinion. To write a book review, you need a clear understanding of the book’s theme, structure, genre, and style. In this article, you will get a guideline on how to do a book review assignment.

To do a book review professionally, pre-preparation is required before the beginning.


Understand the book subject and genre, to begin with. Refer to some other sources about the book. Read the book more than once to get a clear understanding of the subject and its flow. Take note of certain points while reading the book. This can be about the structure, illustrations, character developments, images, timings, charts, format, font size, and style. Note down the thoughts that come to you about the book. By the end of your reading, you should be able to clearly understand the theme, the style of writing, lesson/storyline, and what the author wants to convey in the book. Understanding these aspects of the book is crucial to write a book review. Last but not least is how the book is unique, successful and how efficiently the author has conveyed the motive of the book. This is very essential to do a book review.

But if you honestly lack skills to even start doing your book review assignment, you can always look for an assignment help.

Format of a book review assignment

With the pre-preparation as mentioned above, you are ready to start writing a review assignment on the selected or assigned book.


You should be reviewing in APA format with citation APA style. This is a very popular format style amongst book critics. The other two styles for a book review are short book and long book review. This is selected based on the book size and genre.


A well-structured format for a book review essentially comprises of the following components:

  • Heading
  • Introduction
  • Summary of the chapters
  • A critical analysis
  • An evaluation
  • Conclusion

Let’s take a look at these components a little in detail:

  • Heading

This is where the title, publication place, author’s name, publication date, the number of pages, and publisher name.

  • Introduction

A crucial part of the book review that gives you the first view of the book is the introduction. It will put the user to continue or discontinue with this introduction. This is the section in which you give about the book, author details, and their earlier works. You should make it interesting to keep the user curious or to continue reading. You can begin the intro with a surprise or a relatable story.

  • Summary

This is the section of the book review that provides you a core idea of every chapter. You should give the theme of every chapter without revealing the suspense or the ending of the book. The summary is also the primary section of the book review. It is the major part of the book review content.

  • Evaluation

This is the section that gives an idea about your perspective of the book to the reader. This is where you put forth good or positive points of the book. You can put forth your purpose or intention and a list of requirements of the book in this genre.

  • Conclusion

This is the section of the book review where you present your opinion overall about the book. The weakness and the strength of this book are mentioned in this section. Your points about why you recommend this to the reader and the rating that you give for this book are put forth in this section. These points will help the reader to benefit him or her by reading this book.

  • After writing the book review

Once the main task of writing the book review assignment is done, review back the written book review for any kind of refinement. Proof-read the review for spelling, clarity, and grammar. Read and then revise it more than once to ensure clarity and to be error-free. Take a break and re-read for a fresher view of the book review. For better results, ask your friend or a family member to read and give fair feedback.


Book review assignments are critical and essential to gain knowledge. This reflects the book content, summary, and your perspective about the book. Effective evaluation and book review execution to help the readers to get an insight into the book. It will help the reader to decide and drive for the book purchase.