Unfuck Your Boundaries: Build Better Relationships through Consent, Communication, and Expressing Your Needs

Faith J. Harper

Building personal boundaries is a way of communicating our needs to others and thus feeling more comfortable. Boundaries allow us to secure ourselves among strangers, in everyday interactions, and in our most intimate relationships. If we have healthy boundaries, we have a solid foundation in a world full of uncertainties.

You would be surprised, but often boundaries are not violated because we are surrounded by ill-wishers or ill-mannered people. In short, they are not always violated out of malice.

Common causes of unwanted intrusion into our personal space are social norms, approved patterns of behavior in society, and, of course, our deep-seated traumas that do not allow us to build healthy relationships.

The author of the book tells how to communicate with people more effectively: without resentment, irritation and unreasonable expectations, how to get out of situations where our boundaries are violated or they are trying to manipulate us. We remind you that the book has not been published in Russian.